360 Talent Solutions

Assessment Tools

Make smarter decisions when it comes to hiring, engaging, and retaining top talent

Simplify Your Talent Management

In a landscape where every team member is crucial, understanding their potential is key.  The assessments by Predictive Index  give you the power to not only predict job performance but to ensure alignment with your company’s goals and culture.  Their assessments are designed with one goal in mind:

Talent Optimization: Building a bridge between your business strategy and business results with the right people.


Only 60% of jobs are currently being filled as companies are experiencing a lack of quality applications.


74% of companies under perform when it comes to recruitment.


Companies are taking on average 6 months to hire someone.


50% of job-seekers who accept a counter-offer from their current employer will be back on the market within 2 months.

Book Your Demo
Predicting Future Job Performance

Traditional hiring methods are poor predictors of job performance. We show you how to leverarage powerful assessment tools to make smarter hiring decisions.


Education only has 1% predictability for future job performance.

Reference Checks

Reference checks only has 7% predictability for future job performance.


Interviews have 34% predictability for future job performance.

Interviews + Assessments

Interviews combined with cognitive and behavioural assessments has the highest predictability for future job performance at 58%.

A modern illustration of the 360 recruitment process

The PI Job Assessment ™ (PI JA)

1. Identify Stakeholders

The assessment can be taken by a single user or collaboratively by a team of stakeholders.

Define Job Target

Each stakeholder selects relevant behavioural competencies, which creates the Job Target for the position.

Candidate Insights

Have all internal and external candidates take the Behavioral & Cognitve Assessments to rank potential fit.

Improved Team Dynamics

Develop a 360 understanding of the requirements of the role by including relevant stakeholders in assessing internal and external talent needs

Optimised Job Descriptions

Craft job adverts and job descriptions that attract the right candidates.

Strategic Hiring

Determine a behavioural and cognitive benchmark or ‘Job Target’. Use the generated interview guides to structure your interviews.

Smarter Decisions

Hire the right candidates before you lose them. Use the data-driven approach to measure more data points and make smarter hiring decisions.

The PIJA ™  is your blueprint for success and where every successful hiring process starts. 

This online job targeting tool allows stakeholders to give input to a position through an online questionnaire with the objective of establishing consensus on the requirements of this particular role.

The PI JA is applied to establish job requirements and is applied when you are scouting for both external candidates as well as internal moves/promotions.

The PI Job Assessment™ clarifies two aspects of the role in question:

  • The behavioural requirements of the role. 
  • The complexity of the role.
Minutes to complete
Stakeholders' input
0 +
Behavioral Competencies

The PI Behavioral Assessment ™ (PI BA)

Take The Assessment

Assessment takers complete 2 lists: 1. Select the words that describe the way others expect them to act. 2. Select words that describe them in their own opinion.

Full Behavioral Report

Once completed, a Full Behavioral Report is generated, which includes a reference profile, unique behavioural pattern, and comprehensive behavioural summary.

Behavioral Insights

The results can be used with other assessments to provide insghts on the entire employee cycle from recruiting, through to promotion, and career pathing

Save Money

Reduce the cost of a bad hire by measuring more talent-data points during your recruitment process.

Save Time

Assess more talent-data points earlier in your recruitment and reduce your time to hire.

Minimise Bias

Assess candidates based on objective, quantifiable criteria, reducing the risk of bias and ensuring a fair and effective process.

Design High Performing Teams

Equip leaders with key insights to enhance communication, improve engagement, and create high performing teams.

The PI Behavioral Assessment™ (PI BA) is a science-based framework that maps personality in four motivational drives. The drives and their relation to each other constitute a person’s behavioural pattern and ultimately help you understand the underlying needs and the associated behaviour. 

The PI Behavioral Assessment™ is more than a recruitment tool to help you identify candidates who will be motivated and thrive in a given role. PI BA is applicable throughout the entire employee lifecycle. 

Minutes to complete
0 +
Validity Studies
0 +
Million people assessed
0 +

The PI Cognitive Assessment ™ (PI CA)

Take The 12-minute assessment

Assessment takers have 12 minutes to answer 50 questions, which measure verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning.

Full Cognitive Report

Once completed, a Full Cognitive Report is generated, which includes Cognitive Score and Percentile; a strong indication of their ability to absorb and process complex information.

Cognitive Insights

The results can be used with other assessments to provide insghts on the entire employee cycle from recruiting, through to promotion, and career pathing

Identify Learning Ability

Understand an individual's learning, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities. This is crucial in fast-paced, innovative sectors like life sciences.

Optimise Team Performance

Complement behavioural insights with cognitive ones to form balanced, effective teams that are primed to meet the complex challenges of the life sciences sector.

Personalise Development Plans

Develop customised training and development programs to leverage your employees' cognitive strengths and address any areas of improvement.

Strategic Succession Planning

Leverage cognitive insights to identify future leaders within your organisation, ensuring long-term business continuity.

The PI Cognitive Assessment™ (PI CA) is a psychometric test that measures learning ability and trainability, i.e. a person’s capacity to learn, adapt, and grasp new concepts in the workplace. 

Apply PI CA to understand who will learn quickly and independently where required, and who are able to meet and exceed performance expectations.. 

Minutes to complete
Multi-choice questions
0 +
0 %

Are You Ready To Work With Us?

1. Book Your Demo

We walk you through the easy to use interface and show you how Predictive Index and I can help you to make smarter decisions

2. Software Trial

Try the assessments by Predictive Index for your next hire

3. Talent Strategy Agreement

We send you a Talent Agreement, which outlines how we will work together.

Our Commitment To You


We dive deep into your needs with our thorough needs analysis to learn and understand your current and future talent challenges.


As part of our proposal, we provide a full breakdown of packages and prices so that you can make the best decisions for your business.


To ensure you get the most out of the software and data, comprehensive training is provided to key stakeholders.


We take care of communication and scheduling to saving you time and resources.


You have full access to a comprehensive learning library so that you make better hires, build high-performing teams, and increase employee engagement.


We back what we say. That is why our support continues through the onboarding period and beyond, giving you confidence in the service we provide.

360 Talent Solutions Ltd is an Associate Partner of Humanostics® , a PI Certified Partner authorised to use the science, assessment software, and curriculum of management workshops of The Predictive Index

Powered by Humanostics®

In partnership with Humanostics, we show you how to use market-leading diagnostic tools to optmise your workforce and create high-performing teams with strong organisational identity and purpose. Humanostics® is a management consulting company and a Predictive Index Certified Partner. Their focus is on enabling organisations to diagnose their Human Capital, by implementing a range of leading assessment solutions. Our unique expertise within recruitment, personal development, establishing the right teams and organisational development, is founded on our rights to market-leading diagnostic tools, further enhanced by our education and coaching experience. Humanostics® is a leader in workplace assessments:

The Predictive Index® is a registered trademark of Predictive Index, LLC and is used here with permission.

Making Smarter Hiring Decisions

Commited to Your Next Hire

Make your next hire the right hire