360 Talent Solutions

Exploring the Accuracy of Predictive Index's Behavioral Assessment

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The Predictive Index’s PI Behavioral Assessment™ (PI BA) is a scientifically-backed and reliable tool used to determine an individual’s workplace drives and needs. With numerous studies validating its results and a multitude of positive testimonials from business leaders, it’s no surprise that one of the most frequently asked questions about the PI BA is, “how accurate is it?” In this case study, we will delve into the research conducted by the science team at Predictive Index to determine the accuracy of the PI BA reports.

Table of Contents

The PI Behavioral Assessment Report

Slide from How Behavioral Assessments Improve Your Recruitment In 2023

The PI BA report is a 2-3-page document that summarizes a person’s behavioral pattern based on the results of their assessment. The report includes graphs of the individual’s self, self-concept, and synthesis, a summary of their behavioral drives, a description of their strongest behaviors, and actionable management strategies. Users also have the option to include sections on their management style, influencing style, and selling style in the report.

Studying the Accuracy of the PI BA Reports

Team working together

Between May 2018 and August 2019, the PI science team conducted a study, titled “Report Accuracy,” to assess the accuracy of the PI BA reports. Participants were directed to a survey hosted by GetFeedback, Inc. and asked to rate the accuracy of their PI BA report. Over the course of the study, an average of 59 responses were collected per week, with a total of 4,032 participants completing the survey between May 25, 2018, and September 9, 2019.

Results of the Study

Of the 4,032 participants, 3,535 (88%) completed the survey for their own PI BA report, while 497 (12%) completed the survey for a report that was not their own. When asked to rate the accuracy of the PI BA report, the participants provided an average rating of 4.4, with 86% of respondents providing a rating of 4 or 5, both of which are considered to indicate high report accuracy.

Reference Profile-Specific Results

The PI science team was able to match participants’ feedback and ratings to their Reference Profiles, which categorize a variety of behavioral patterns. The results showed that the majority of participants felt their PI BA report accurately described their behavioral drives, regardless of their Reference Profile.

The Numbers Speak For Themselves

The results of the study conducted by the PI science team at Predictive Index speak for themselves. The vast majority of participants felt that their PI BA report accurately described their behavioral drives, and the high ratings received indicate the validity and reliability of the PI BA. The Predictive Index strives for scientific accuracy in all its assessments, and the PI BA is no exception. With its valid results and numerous positive testimonials, it’s no wonder that the PI BA is considered one of the most accurate behavioral assessments available.

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The Benefits of Behavioral Data

A team working together on a project in the office

What is Behavioral Data?

Behavioural data is information that is collected about an individual’s behaviour. This data can include past performance, attitude, and aptitude. It can be collected through surveys, interviews, and other assessments. Collecting behavioural data can provide insights into a candidate’s skills and abilities, as well as their potential for success within a role.

The Benefits of Collecting Behavioural Data

There are a number of benefits to collecting behavioural data in the recruitment process. First, it can help you identify the best candidates for a role. By collecting data on candidates’ past performance, attitude, and aptitude, you can gather valuable insights into their abilities and potential for success. This information can help you determine which candidates are the best fit for a role.

Behavioural data can help you assess cultural fit. By collecting data on a candidate’s behaviour, you can gain insight into their values and how they might fit into your organisation’s culture. This information can help you make more informed decisions about who to hire and who might be better suited for a different role.

Collecting behavioural data can help you make more informed decisions. By gathering data on candidates’ past performance, attitude, and aptitude, you can gain a better understanding of who they are and how they might fit into the role. This information can help you make more informed decisions about who to hire and who might need additional training or development.

Hire With More Confidence

Behavioral interview questions can quickly confirm or deny your hunches about a candidate. They’re designed to help answer the crucial question: “Is this person who we think they are?” By asking questions that focus on real-life experiences and behaviors, you’ll get a better sense of the candidate’s ability to succeed in the sales manager role.

In addition, since you’ve already identified your job target, a simple “yes” to a behavioral interview question can dramatically reduce your time to hire. You’ll be able to make a more informed hiring decision and be confident in your choice.

In Partnership With Humanostics

360 Talent Solutions Ltd is an Associate Partner of Humanostics® , a PI Certified Partner authorised to use the science, assessment software, and curriculum of management workshops of The Predictive Index.

In partnership with Humanostics, we provide companies in the UK and across Europe access to the assessment tools provided by The Predictive Index.

Take the 6-minute PI Behavioral Assessment™ today.  Once you have completed the 6-minute assessment, I will send you a Full Behavioral Report by Predictive Index.

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How Can We Help

When it comes to predicting future performance, technology is key:

  • Education, years of experience, and references all have low predictive value. Yet, we rely on these for screening early in the recruitment process.
  • Cognitive and Behavioural Assessments, have much higher predictive value, and when combined with interviews, provide the most effective method for predicting future performance.

For me, hiring without the use of psychometric assessments is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing … and no picture on the box. It’s not fun, it takes longer, and when you are almost finished, you realise you have pieces missing.

Take the assessment today and start measuring more to improve your recruitment.

If you are interested in learning more or are ready to incorporate behavioral data into your recruitment process, please contact me today, I will be happy to help.

Let’s get started!

Dave Crumby

Founder at 360 Talent Solutions

Certified Predictive Index Practitioner 

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