360 Talent Solutions

What is Team Discovery by The Predictive Index?

Reading Time: 12 minutes

In today’s competitive business landscape, simply hiring talented individuals isn’t enough to guarantee success. The real challenge lies in building a team that not only excels individually but also works seamlessly together, communicates openly, and drives the company’s strategic goals forward. Team Discovery™ by The Predictive Index is the tool that transforms this challenge into an opportunity, giving leaders the insights they need to turn a group of individuals into a high-performing, cohesive team.

At its core, Team Discovery™ is a data-driven tool designed to help organisations understand the behavioural dynamics within their teams. By providing deep insights into how each individual operates—based on their natural strengths, communication styles, and working preferences—this tool empowers leaders to make informed decisions about team roles, collaboration, and strategy.

Whether you’re a start-up scaling rapidly or an established company looking to optimise your team’s performance, Team Discovery™ enables you to visualise where your team excels and where gaps exist. It goes beyond traditional team-building approaches by leveraging behavioural data to ensure your team is not just skilled, but strategically aligned and optimised for long-term success.

This isn’t about adding another layer of complexity to your hiring or team management process. Instead, it’s about simplifying decisions by using actionable insights that make team dynamics more transparent, helping leaders build teams that are not only high-performing but resilient and adaptable to change.

In the sections that follow, we’ll explore how companies are leveraging Team Discovery™ to create self-aware teams, align team dynamics with business strategy, and make smarter, more strategic hiring decisions.

Table of Contents

Why Companies Are Turning to Team Discovery

Many business leaders know that building a high-performing team is essential, but even with the best talent, they often find that their teams aren’t delivering at their full potential. This is because high performance doesn’t just come from individual skill—it comes from how well the team collaborates, communicates, and aligns with the company’s goals.

This is where Team Discovery™ by The Predictive Index provides the insight businesses need to bridge the gap between talent and performance

The Disconnect Between Talent and Results

As companies scale, team dynamics become more challenging to manage. A group of top performers can still fall short if there’s a lack of cohesion, misaligned communication styles, or an unclear understanding of each other’s working behaviours. According to the recent report by Salesforce “State of the Connected Workplace”, 86% of employees and executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as a major cause of workplace failures. That’s a staggering statistic, especially when so much emphasis is placed on finding the right talent, but less on how well that talent works together.

Team Discovery helps companies tackle this issue by providing deep behavioural insights into how teams naturally operate. It highlights individual strengths, potential areas of friction, and whether the team is aligned with the business strategy. With this data, companies can proactively adjust their approach to teamwork, leading to more efficient collaboration and stronger overall results.


Awareness: The Foundation for High-Performing Teams

Awareness is the first step in building a cohesive, high-performing team. Companies using Team Discovery™ are able to gain a clear, data-backed view of each team member’s behavioural tendencies. By understanding how individuals communicate, make decisions, and handle challenges, leaders can make informed decisions about role assignments and team structures.

Teams that operate with this level of self-awareness are not only more adaptable but are also proven to be more successful. According to research by Gallup, teams that understand and leverage each other’s strengths have been shown to improve their performance by up to 20% compared to teams lacking such insight.

When companies invest in understanding how their teams work, they create an environment where people are more engaged, more communicative, and ultimately, more effective in achieving business objectives.


4 team members working together on a project

How Team Discovery Creates Self-Awareness and Team Understanding

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of any high-performing team. Without it, teams risk falling into patterns of miscommunication, disengagement, and ultimately, underperformance. This is why Team Discovery™ is invaluable—it provides both leaders and team members with a clear understanding of each individual’s behavioural tendencies and how these tendencies influence the dynamics of the team.

Building Awareness with Data-Driven Insights

Team Discovery™ starts by assessing each team member’s behaviour through the Predictive Index Behavioural Assessment™. The data gathered helps identify not just individual strengths but also the potential friction points where collaboration might falter. For example, if one team member thrives in a structured, process-driven environment while another prefers flexibility and rapid innovation, Team Discovery™ highlights these contrasts, allowing leaders to adjust the team’s approach to foster better collaboration.

According to research by Deloitte, 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is important to business success, but only a fraction of companies actively focus on fostering self-awareness as part of their culture-building efforts. With Team Discovery™, companies can create a more self-aware team culture that encourages open communication and mutual understanding.

An example of the Behavioral Assessment by Predictive Index

The Strategic Value of Self-Aware Teams

When teams are aware of their strengths, weaknesses, and behavioural preferences, they can adjust how they work together to better align with the company’s goals. This level of awareness allows teams to optimise their performance by allocating tasks based on who is naturally suited for specific roles. The result? Fewer misunderstandings, more efficient decision-making, and a smoother path toward achieving strategic objectives.

Teams that operate with a higher degree of self-awareness are also proven to be more resilient in the face of challenges. Research by McKinsey found that teams with a high level of self-awareness were 25% more effective at adapting to change, a key indicator of long-term success in today’s fast-paced business landscape.

Fostering a Culture of Collaboration

Self-awareness doesn’t just improve individual performance—it transforms the entire team’s ability to collaborate. With Team Discovery™, companies can create an environment where everyone understands each other’s communication styles, decision-making processes, and working preferences. This heightened understanding leads to more meaningful collaboration, reduces the potential for conflict, and ensures the team can collectively move toward a common goal.

By fostering self-awareness through tools like Team Discovery™, companies create a culture of open dialogue and mutual respect, where employees are more engaged and committed to the organisation’s success. In fact, according to Gallup, teams that focus on strengths see a 72% lower attrition rate, demonstrating the powerful impact self-awareness can have on both team performance and employee retention.

4 team members working together on a project

Aligning Team Dynamics with Strategic Objectivess

For any business, success depends on more than just having talented individuals; it requires aligning those individuals with the company’s strategic objectives. This is where Team Discovery™ plays a critical role—it provides the insights necessary to ensure that your team’s behavioural dynamics are in sync with your business strategy.

From Awareness to Strategic Alignment

While self-awareness is the foundation of team success, the next step is aligning that awareness with the broader business context. Understanding how a team functions behaviourally is only valuable if it’s applied strategically. With Team Discovery™, companies can map their team’s behavioural strengths to their strategic goals, ensuring that each member is in a role that leverages their natural abilities and contributes to the company’s long-term vision.

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, 71% of employees rank alignment with the company’s vision as the key factor influencing their sense of engagement and purpose. Yet, many companies fail to connect their employees’ day-to-day activities with the overarching business strategy. By using Team Discovery™, leaders can ensure that each team member’s behaviour aligns with the tasks and goals critical to the business, fostering a sense of purpose and engagement throughout the team.

Ensuring the Right Team Fit for Strategic Goals

Different business objectives require different team dynamics. A team tasked with driving innovation will need a different set of behavioural strengths than one focused on operational efficiency. Team Discovery™ helps companies identify the best-fit teams for their strategic objectives, whether it’s a team that thrives on agility and fast-paced decision-making or one that excels in process and precision.

For example, a McKinsey study revealed that companies who strategically align their teams with the right objectives are 1.4 times more likely to outperform their competitors. By ensuring that the behavioural makeup of your team matches the demands of your business strategy, you increase the likelihood of achieving your goals efficiently and effectively.

Adapting to Changing Business Needs

Business priorities evolve, and so do the needs of the teams driving those priorities. One of the unique advantages of Team Discovery™ is its ability to show not just where your team is today, but how they can adapt to future needs. Whether it’s scaling a start-up or shifting focus due to market demands, Team Discovery™ provides actionable insights to help you adjust your team’s dynamics accordingly.

The ability to adapt is crucial in today’s ever-changing business environment. Research by Deloitte highlights that 92% of business leaders consider adaptability one of the top competencies needed for success in the next decade. With the insights from Team Discovery™, you can make strategic adjustments to your team’s structure and roles, ensuring long-term adaptability and alignment with evolving goals.

The Power of Strategic Alignment

When teams are aligned with the company’s strategic objectives, the results are undeniable: increased productivity, higher engagement, and a greater ability to execute on business goals. By using Team Discovery™, companies are not just optimising team performance in the short term—they are building teams that can grow and adapt alongside the business, driving long-term success.

Using Team Discovery for Smarter Recruitment Decisions

Hiring the right person goes far beyond simply filling an open role. It’s about ensuring the new hire will thrive within the existing team, contribute to the company’s strategic goals, and align with the business culture. This is where Team Discovery™ by The Predictive Index becomes a powerful tool in the hiring process—allowing companies to make smarter, data-driven decisions that lead to long-term success.

The Problem with Traditional Hiring

Traditional hiring methods often focus heavily on evaluating candidates’ technical skills and qualifications, leaving little room to assess how well they’ll fit within the team dynamic. A new hire may be brilliant on paper, but if their behavioural tendencies don’t align with those of the team or the company’s strategic objectives, it can lead to miscommunication, underperformance, and even turnover.

In fact, according to research by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 50% of new hires fail within the first 18 months, and a large portion of these failures stem from poor cultural and team fit. This statistic highlights the critical need to not only consider a candidate’s skills but also their behavioural alignment with the team and the broader organisation.

How Team Discovery Enhances the Hiring Process

Team Discovery™ helps eliminate the guesswork from hiring by providing a comprehensive look at how a candidate’s behavioural tendencies will align with the team they’ll be joining. By assessing the existing team’s behavioural profile, leaders can pinpoint the characteristics needed from a new hire to balance the team’s dynamics and support its strategic objectives.

For example, if your team is heavily results-driven but lacks a collaborative, people-focused approach, Team Discovery™ can guide you toward hiring someone whose natural strengths lie in building relationships and fostering communication. This ensures that the new hire doesn’t just fill a skills gap but also complements the behavioural strengths of the team.

Hiring for Long-Term Success

The cost of a bad hire can be significant—not just financially but also in terms of lost productivity and team morale. By using the data provided by Team Discovery™, companies can make hiring decisions based on both short-term needs and long-term team health. According to Gallup, companies that select candidates based on their fit within the team and culture see a 30% reduction in turnover and a substantial improvement in team engagement.

When companies use Team Discovery™ as part of their hiring strategy, they’re ensuring that each new hire aligns with not only the immediate needs of the team but also the company’s long-term vision. This data-driven approach increases the likelihood of hiring candidates who will stay longer, contribute more effectively, and integrate seamlessly into the team’s culture.

The Competitive Edge of Strategic Hiring

In today’s competitive job market, having a strategic approach to hiring gives companies a distinct edge. Businesses that leverage tools like Team Discovery™ to align new hires with team dynamics and company objectives can create high-performing, cohesive teams from day one. As a result, these companies are not only able to reduce turnover but also outperform their competitors through a more engaged and aligned workforce.

By shifting the focus from traditional hiring metrics to a more strategic, data-driven approach, companies can make smarter recruitment decisions that lead to long-term success.

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Why So Many Companies Are Turning to Team Discovery

In today’s fast-moving business world, companies need every advantage they can get to build high-performing teams that are adaptable, engaged, and aligned with their strategic goals. It’s no surprise, then, that so many businesses are turning to Team Discovery™ by The Predictive Index to unlock these critical insights and drive long-term success.

Data-Driven Decisions Lead to Better Performance

The days of relying solely on gut instincts to make important decisions about teams and hiring are fading fast. With data-driven insights from Team Discovery™, companies gain a clearer, more objective understanding of how their teams function and how new hires will fit into the mix. This shift toward using behavioural data to inform team-building decisions is rapidly gaining momentum.

A report from Deloitte found that 83% of organisations that use data-driven decision-making are significantly more likely to outperform their competitors in terms of productivity and profitability. It’s no wonder that companies of all sizes—from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies—are leveraging Team Discovery™ to ensure their teams are optimised for success.

Boosting Engagement and Retention

Employee engagement and retention are top concerns for companies worldwide. Disengaged employees lead to lower productivity, poor morale, and higher turnover rates. On the other hand, engaged employees are more likely to stay with their company and contribute meaningfully to its success.

By using Team Discovery™, companies can not only build teams that work well together but also foster an environment where employees feel more connected to their roles and the broader company mission. According to Gallup, companies with high employee engagement see 21% higher profitability and 41% lower absenteeism compared to those with low engagement levels. These numbers highlight why so many companies are investing in tools like Team Discovery™ to enhance engagement and, in turn, drive better business results.

Aligning Teams with Long-Term Strategy

One of the greatest strengths of Team Discovery™ is its ability to align teams with the company’s long-term strategy. When leaders understand how their teams’ behavioural dynamics intersect with business objectives, they can make more informed decisions about role assignments, team structures, and even future hiring needs.

A study by PwC revealed that 79% of business leaders believe that aligning their workforce with business strategy is crucial for long-term growth, yet only 44% say their company is successfully doing so. By leveraging the insights provided by Team Discovery™, companies can ensure that their teams are not only performing at their best today but are also strategically positioned for future success.

The Widespread Adoption of Team Discovery

The widespread adoption of Team Discovery™ speaks volumes about its effectiveness. Across industries, from technology to healthcare, companies are using the tool to enhance collaboration, improve team performance, and make smarter hiring decisions. These companies recognise that having a clear, data-backed view of their team dynamics is key to staying competitive in today’s complex business environment.

As more organisations recognise the power of behavioural data in building high-performing teams, the demand for tools like Team Discovery™ continues to grow. Businesses that invest in understanding and optimising their teams through behavioural insights are not only seeing immediate performance improvements but are also positioning themselves for sustainable, long-term success.

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Final Thoughts

Building a high-performing, engaged, and strategically aligned team is no small feat, but with the right tools, it becomes far more achievable. Team Discovery™ by The Predictive Index empowers companies to understand their teams on a deeper level, offering valuable insights into behavioural dynamics, collaboration potential, and how to ensure alignment with business objectives.

Throughout this blog, we’ve explored how companies are leveraging Team Discovery™ to:

  • Create greater self-awareness among teams, enabling more effective communication and collaboration.
  • Align team dynamics with strategic goals, ensuring the right people are in the right roles.
  • Use behavioural data to make smarter, more strategic hiring decisions that improve retention and performance.

By investing in tools like Team Discovery™, companies are not just solving immediate challenges—they are positioning themselves for long-term success. Teams that are built on a foundation of self-awareness and strategic alignment are better equipped to adapt to change, tackle complex problems, and drive the business forward.

Now is the time to ask yourself: Is my team working at its full potential? If you’re ready to unlock the insights needed to transform your team into a cohesive, high-performing unit, Team Discovery™ can be the key to achieving those results.

In Partnership With Humanostics

360 Talent Solutions Ltd is an Associate Partner of Humanostics® , a PI Certified Partner authorised to use the science, assessment software, and curriculum of management workshops of The Predictive Index.

In partnership with Humanostics, we provide companies in the UK and across Europe access to the assessment tools provided by The Predictive Index.

Take the 6-minute PI Behavioral Assessment™ today.  Once you have completed the 6-minute assessment, I will send you a Full Behavioral Report by Predictive Index.

How Can We Help

From supporting the growth of leading pharma companies over the past 10 years, I have learnt that when it comes to predicting future performance, technology is key:

  • Education, years of experience, and references all have low predictive value. Yet, we rely on these for screening early in the recruitment process.
  • Cognitive and Behavioural Assessments, have much higher predictive value, and when combined with interviews, provide the most effective method for predicting future performance.

For me, hiring without the use of psychometric assessments is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing … and no picture on the box. It’s not fun, it takes longer, and when you are almost finished, you realise you have pieces missing.

Take the assessment today and start measuring more to improve your recruitment.

If you are interested in learning more or are ready to incorporate behavioral data into your recruitment process, please contact me today, I will be happy to help.

Let’s get started!

Dave Crumby

Founder at 360 Talent Solutions

Certified Predictive Index Practitioner 

Potrait of Dave Crumby in a suite
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